Online course galleries offer students an innovative means for engaging with works of art. Responsive design allows students the freedom to connect with visual materials from any device.

At the request of faculty, the VRC prepares and maintains online galleries of specific course offerings within the Department of the History of Art. These mobile-friendly online galleries provide students of art history on-demand, responsive access to study images. Galleries may be organized around individual lecture materials, required materials, an entire course offering, or all of the aforementioned. Course galleries may be browsed or searched, and because all images are embedded with metadata, students benefit from the display of descriptive information.

As with the ImageCloud Online Collection, Rights Statements and Creative Commons licenses are displayed alongside each image. This information communicates to students what we know about the copyright status of a given image, underscoring the VRC’s emphasis on visual literacy and responsible image use. If you are currently enrolled in an Art History course and require access to an online gallery, please contact your professor.

If you were formerly enrolled in an Art History course and would like to access its online gallery, limited access may be provided. Contact

Current and Past Online Course Galleries

AHS 007 – World Art (Winter ’20, Summer ’22)
AHS 010 – Photography and the Body (Winter ’20)
AHS 010 – Art of Ancient Mexico (Spring ’21)
AHS 013 – Art and Architecture of the Islamic World (Spring ’19)
AHS 015 – Arts of Asia (Spring ’23)
AHS 017B – History of Western Art: Medieval to Renaissance (Winter ’18)
AHS 017C – History of Western Art: Baroque to Modern (Spring ’18, Spring ’20, Spring ’23)
AHS 020 – Introduction to Media Art (Summer ’20)
AHS 021 – History of Architecture and Urbanism (Spring ’18)
AHS 021 – Introduction to Architecture and Urbanism: Suburbia (Winter ’19)
AHS 023 – American Art (Spring ’20, Winter ’21, Winter ’23)
AHS 025 – Art of Mesoamerica (Fall ’22)
AHS 028 – Art and Architecture of Latin America (Fall ’17, Fall ’19, Fall ’20, Winter ’22, Winter ’23, Winter ’24)
AHS 107 – Photography Since 1960 (Fall ’19)
AHS 113 – Sixteenth-Century Mexico: The Art of Two Worlds (Winter ’23)
AHS 114 – History of Brazilian Art and Architecture (Fall ’19, Winter ’21, Winter ’22)
AHS 115 – Modern and Contemporary Art of Latin America (Winter ’20, Fall ’20, Fall ’22)
AHS 124 – Conceptual Art: Latin America (Fall ’21, Winter ’23, Winter ’24)
AHS 126 – Saints and Sultans (Winter ’20)
AHS 139 – Buddhist Art (Spring ’21)
AHS 141 – Art of the Mongol Empire (Fall ’23)
AHS 165 – Women Artists in Renaissance Europe (Summer ’22)
AHS 168 – Politeness and Commerce: British Art and Design 1660-1820 (Winter ’19)
AHS 171 – The Church, the Court, and the People: Art in Seventeenth-Century Europe (Winter ’22)
AHS 175 – Industry and Alienation: Late Nineteenth-Century American Art (Winter ’19)
AHS 179 – Revolution, Reaction, and Revision: American Art Between the World Wars (Fall ’23)
AHS 180 – Modern European Art I: Nineteenth-Century (Summer ’22, Spring ’23)
AHS 192 – Junior/Senior Seminar (Winter ’21)